Study Guide
Field 080: Chinese (Mandarin)
Test Design and Framework
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The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.
Test Design
*Does not include 15-minute C B T tutorial
Test Framework
subareas | range of competencies | approximate percentage of test | |
selected-response | |||
roman numeral 3 | language structures and comparisons | 0007–0009 | 16 percent |
roman numeral 4 | cultural perspectives, comparisons, and connections | 0010–0011 | 11 percent |
roman numeral 5 | language acquisition and instruction | 0012–0013 | 11 percent |
this cell intentionally left blank. | 38 percent |
subareas | range of competencies | approximate percentage of test | |
constructed-response | |||
roman numeral 1 | listening comprehension | 0001–0003 | 16 percent |
roman numeral 2 | reading and vocabulary | 0004–0006 | 16 percent |
roman numeral 6 | written expression | 0014 | 15 percent |
roman numeral 7 | Oral Expression | 0015 | 15 percent |
this cell intentionally left blank. | 62 percent |
Subarea roman numeral 1–Listening Comprehension
Competency 0001–Comprehend at or beyond the literal-level spoken questions or other oral messages likely to be encountered in culturally authentic situations.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Comprehend both formal and informal comments and questions.
- Comprehend a question or comment likely to be encountered in an informal or social situation.
- Comprehend a question or comment likely to be encountered in a formal or professional setting.
- Comprehend a request for information.
- Select an appropriate response to a spoken question or comment.
Competency 0002–Derive pertinent information from oral messages in a variety of culturally authentic situations.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Understand the main idea of formal and informal oral presentations and conversations (e.g., prepared speeches, news broadcasts, interviews, lectures).
- Understand a telephone message or public address announcement.
- Understand a sequence of steps presented in a set of oral directions.
- Understand supporting details in a variety of formal and informal oral messages.
- Understand a stated cause or effect of a situation described in an oral message.
Competency 0003–Infer meaning from oral messages in a variety of culturally authentic situations.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Characterize the mood or point of view of one or more speakers.
- Analyze a cause-and-effect relationship implied but not stated in an oral message.
- Analyze the social or cultural context of a spoken presentation or conversation.
- Analyze the social or cultural relationship between speakers in a conversation.
Subarea roman numeral 2–Reading and Vocabulary
Competency 0004–Comprehend the literal content of a variety of formal and informal authentic materials.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Analyze passages from a variety of sources (e.g., newspaper and journal articles, personal correspondence, literary works) to determine a stated main idea or choose an accurate summary.
- Analyze passages to determine a causal or temporal sequence of events.
- Discern details regarding character, setting, or events described in a passage.
- Recognize supporting evidence for an argument made in a passage.
Competency 0005–Interpret and draw inferences from a variety of formal and informal authentic materials, including literary works.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Make inferences about audience, purpose, setting, or character from information provided in passages from a variety of sources (e.g., newspaper and magazine articles, personal correspondence, literary works).
- Discern implied cause-and-effect relationships in a passage.
- Infer an author's intent, assumptions, or point of view in a passage.
- Interpret figurative language (e.g., metaphors, similes) in a literary passage.
Competency 0006–Select culturally appropriate words, phrases, or sentences, including idiomatic expressions, that are applicable to a variety of formal and informal contexts.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Determine appropriate language for routine situations (e.g., shopping, dining, traveling).
- Determine appropriate language for social situations (e.g., canceling an appointment, expressing a compliment, planning a party).
- Determine appropriate language for expressing attitudes, opinions, and judgments.
Subarea roman numeral 3–Language Structures and Comparisons
Competency 0007–Apply the rules for word and sentence formation.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Transform sentences or passages in context according to given instructions (e.g., transforming a sentence from a positive sentence to a negative sentence, transforming a sentence from passive voice to active voice).
- Transform the time frame or aspect of a sentence or passage.
- Transform a sentence or passage from direct to indirect discourse, or vice versa.
- Combine two or more sentences into one sentence that preserves the meaning of the original sentences.
Competency 0008–Analyze sentences to determine grammatically correct words or phrases to complete them and revise written sentences or passages to correct errors in structure and syntax that interfere with accurate communication.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Select the correct noun or nominal measure word for a given context.
- Select verb forms or phrases as appropriate for a given context.
- Select the appropriate modifying word or phrase to complete a sentence.
- Select revisions to correct inappropriate use of words or word forms.
- Select revisions to correct inappropriate use of constructions or syntactic structures.
Competency 0009–Understand the similarities and differences between Chinese and English.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Compare and contrast the sound systems of Chinese and English.
- Compare and contrast the morphological structures and processes of Chinese and English.
- Compare and contrast sentence formation and word order in Chinese and English.
- Compare and contrast word meaning in Chinese and English.
- Compare and contrast the writing systems of Chinese and English.
- Compare and contrast the sociolinguistic features of Chinese and English.
Subarea roman numeral 4–Cultural Perspectives, Comparisons, and Connections
Competency 0010–Understand the products, practices, and perspectives of Chinese culture, as well as the relationships among them.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Identify and analyze the roles of major movements, writers, and works in the literature of China.
- Understand characteristic forms and elements of the visual arts and music of China.
- Recognize historical and contemporary scientific and technological achievements of China.
- Understand characteristic features of daily life within Chinese culture.
- Understand major social institutions (e.g., educational systems) of China.
- Compare and contrast the products and practices of Chinese culture with the products and practices of non-Chinese cultures in the United States.
- Recognize ways in which understanding the products, practices, and perspectives of Chinese culture contributes to understanding important concepts of other disciplines (e.g., political science, literature, art).
Competency 0011–Understand the development of Chinese culture, including the relationships among the history, geography, and perspectives of Chinese culture.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Identify and analyze the roles of major historical events, figures, and movements in the development of China.
- Analyze the relationships among major historical events, figures, and movements and the cultural perspectives of China.
- Relate natural geographic features (e.g., climate, location, natural resources) to the economy of China.
- Compare and contrast the cultural and historical development of China with the cultural and historical development of the United States.
Subarea roman numeral 5–Language Acquisition and Instruction
Competency 0012–Understand the process of language acquisition and how it relates to the language learner in the classroom.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Analyze major theories of first- and second-language acquisition (e.g., the theories of Krashen and Cummins).
- Identify the developmental stages through which language learners acquire first and second languages.
- Apply knowledge of the processes of first- and second-language acquisition to the language learner in the classroom, including major similarities and differences between the two processes.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive, affective, and social factors that can affect second-language acquisition.
Competency 0013–Understand approaches for teaching communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities to meet the needs of diverse learners in the language classroom.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Understand the use of varied approaches, methods, and strategies for teaching communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities within the classroom.
- Understand the use of varied second-language assessment strategies and techniques.
- Understand Oklahoma's core curriculum for language learners, including skills and knowledge expected at each instructional level.
Subarea roman numeral 6–Written Expression
Competency 0014–Write a well-organized passage of several paragraphs in Chinese that is appropriate in style and diction for a given audience, purpose, and occasion and that communicates a message effectively through use of a range of vocabulary, time frames, cohesive devices, and simple and complex linguistic constructions.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Write an account describing the reasoning behind a significant personal decision.
- Write a narrative of an event or activity in a time frame appropriate to the task, using relevant supporting details.
- Write a letter of request or thanks addressed to an appropriate audience in China (e.g., a letter of thanks to family with whom the writer has spent a summer as an exchange student).
- Write a letter stating and supporting an opinion on a given topic or in response to a particular situation.
Subarea roman numeral 7–Oral Expression
Competency 0015–In response to a prompt, construct connected oral discourse in Chinese (Mandarin) that communicates a message effectively and demonstrates command of a range of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, time frames, cohesive devices, and simple and complex language structures.
start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics
- Narrate and describe events or actions in a time frame appropriate to the task, using relevant supporting details.
- Discuss and analyze advantages and disadvantages of an idea or proposed course of action.
- Offer and support an opinion on a given topic or in response to a given situation.
- Respond to a hypothetical situation (e.g., a new job, a shopping trip) by explaining or describing events or by requesting assistance.