Study Guide

Field 080: Chinese (Mandarin) 
Sample Reading and Vocabulary Assignment

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The following materials contain:

Test Directions for the Reading and Vocabulary Assignment

[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold  These test directions are provided here to familiarize you with the directions you will see on the actual test. They may refer to features whose functionality is not enabled in this study guide.]

This section of the test consists of a reading comprehension assignment. You will read a passage and respond in writing to a series of questions about the passage.

Your response may be written in either the target language or English. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. You may use the erasable notebooklet to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. If you choose to respond in English, type your response in the response box presented on-screen. If you choose to respond in the target language, your final response must be written on the response sheet provided. Please label your response sheet with the appropriate assignment (e.g., "Reading and Vocabulary"). Your response sheet must be scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation.

 start bold Instructions for scanning your response sheet are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen. end bold 

Your response to the reading comprehension assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

 start bold LITERAL COMPREHENSION: end bold   accuracy and completeness in comprehending literal content of written language

 start bold INFERENCE: end bold   demonstrated ability to infer information implied in a reading passage, including subtleties such as underlying mood or point of view

Any time spent responding to the assignment, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will  start uppercase NOT end uppercase  be scored.

Sample Reading and Vocabulary Assignment

subarea roman numeral 2 
Reading and Vocabulary

Read the passage presented below (in either Simplified or Traditional characters). Then prepare a written response to the assignment that follows. Your response may be written in either Chinese or English. If you choose to respond in Chinese, your response must be written in Standard Modern Chinese characters (Traditional or Simplified).


起初,人們吃飯只是爲了生存。1150寺候只要能I&^子吃|膝尤行了,至千吃什麼、 怎麼吃都沒有什^係。後來社會進步了,經濟發達了,人們的生活水平提高 了,吃飯對千人們來說,已經不只是爲了生存,而成為一種生活享受了。這時候人 們對吃什麼、怎廟忘有了很多講究。人們要求飯菜不僅要有營養,而且還要求色香味 俱全。

在中國,^的烹詞早2經成爲一門學問、一^學科,甚至是一門藝術。中國 有許多烹舒學校,還有各種講解烹調的書。

中國地方很大,東、西、南、北、中,各個地方都有自己不同的烹識方法。人 們根據不同的口味,把中國菜分爲八個不同的菜系。儘管做飯的方法都是蒸、煮、 煎、炸、炒;用的都是油、鹽、醬、醋、糖;做好的菜也都是酸、甜、麻、辣、鹹, 可是不知道爲什麼,大家都說不同菜系的飯菜味道就是不一樣。

每一個地方除了一般的以外,還有許多獨特的厨味食品。比方說:!瞭的 烤鴨、西安的羊肉泡謨、臺灣的柯仔、四川的麻辣火鍋、天津的狗不理包子、 上海的春捲、桂材的炒等等。這^特厨味的地方食品,大都是從古代傳下來 的。因爲它們旣好吃又便宜,所以很受歡迎。

雖然每一個地方者贿許多不同的飯菜,但是各個地方也有很多相同的食品。在中國不管你走到哪一個城市,都可以吃;到丨曲菜豆漿、燒餅稀飯和絞子餛飩。而且 過年、過節的時候,不管什麼地方的人,也都要吃萍糕、元濟、月餅和綜子這些節日的食品。


起初, 人们吃饭只是为了生存。那时候只要能把肚子吃饱就行了, 至于吃什么、 怎么吃都没有什么关系。后来社会进步了, 经济发达了, 人们的生活水平提高 了,吃饭对于人们来说, 已经不只是为了生存,而成为一种生活享受了。这时候人 们对吃什么、怎么吃有了很多讲究。人们要求饭菜不仅要有营养, 而且还要求色香味 俱全。

在中国,饭菜的烹调早已经成为一门学问、一门学科,甚至是一门艺术。中国 有许多烹饪学校,还有各种讲解烹调的书。

中国地方很大,东、西、南、北、中, 各个地方都有自己不同的烹调方法。人 们根据不同的口味, 把中国菜分为八个不同的菜系。尽管做饭的方法都是蒸、煮、 煎、炸、炒; 用的都是油、盐、酱、醋、糖; 做好的菜也都是酸、甜、麻、辣、咸, 可是不知道为什么, 大家都说不同菜系的饭菜味道就是不一样。

每一个地方除了一般的饭菜以外,还有许多独特的风味食品。 比方说北京的 烤鸭、西安的羊肉泡馍、台湾的蚵仔面线、四川的麻辣火锅、天津的狗不理包子、 上海的春卷、桂林的炒米粉等等。这些独特风味的地方食品, 大都是从古代传下来 的。因为它们既好吃又便宜,所以很受欢迎。

虽然每一个地方都有许多不同的饭菜, 但是各个地方也有很多相同的食品。 在中国不管你走到哪一个城市,都可以吃到油条豆浆、烧饼稀饭和饺子馄饨。而且 过年、过节的时候,不管什么地方的人, 也都要吃年糕、元宵、月饼和粽子这些节 日的食品。

Write a response several sentences in length in which you:

Strong Response Characteristics for the Reading and Vocabulary Assignment

An excellent response would demonstrate a thorough and accurate understanding of the literal content of the passage, including virtually all significant details. The examinee would accurately infer information implied in the passage, even if it is subtly conveyed in the text. Because this exercise is designed to test your reading skill and not your writing ability, you may write your response in either the target language or English. You should choose the language that is more familiar to you.

Sample Strong Response to the Reading and Vocabulary Assignment

 start italics Please note: The sample response provided below is for review purposes only and should not be used in a response on an operational exam. end italics 


在中國最常見的早點是豆漿﹐油條。餃子餛飩更是無論去到那一個城市﹐ 都可以吃到。中國人有共同的節日食品﹐ 比如年糕、 元宵、月餅等等。

中國人做飯的方法﹐使用的調料都差不多﹐但是各地做出來的飯菜的口味卻很不同﹐ 因此分為八大菜系。 比方北京的烤鴨﹐ 四川的麻辣火鍋。

由于社會 進步﹐ 經濟發達﹐ 生活水平提高﹐ 吃飯成為一種生活享受﹐ 變得越來越講究了。 人們不但要求飯菜的營養﹐ 而且要求色味香俱全。 社會的需求﹐ 推動了烹調技術的發展﹐ 以致形成了一門學問和藝術。


在中国最常见的早点是豆浆,油条。饺子馄饨更是无论去到那一个城市, 都可以吃到。中国人有共同的节日食品, 比如年糕、 元宵、月饼等等。

中国人做饭的方法,使用的调料都差不多,但是各地做出来的饭菜的口味却很不同, 因此分为八大菜系。 比方北京的烤鸭, 四川的麻辣火锅。

由于社会 进步, 经济发达, 生活水平提高, 吃饭成为一种生活享受, 变得越来越讲究了。 人们不但要求饭菜的营养, 而且要求色味香俱全。 社会的需求, 推动了烹调技术的发展, 以致形成了一门学问和艺术。

Performance Characteristics for the Reading and Vocabulary Assignment

The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the reading and vocabulary assignment.

Characteristics that guide the scoring of responses
LITERAL COMPREHENSION accuracy and completeness in comprehending literal content of written language
INFERENCE demonstrated ability to infer information implied in a reading passage, including subtleties such as underlying mood or point of view

Scoring Scale for the Reading and Vocabulary Assignment

Scores will be assigned to each response to the reading and vocabulary assignment according to the following scoring scale.

Score Scale with description for each score point.
Score Point Score Point Description
  • The candidate demonstrates thorough understanding of the literal content of the reading passage, including significant details.
  • The candidate accurately infers implied information, even if this information is subtly conveyed in the text.
  • The candidate demonstrates understanding of the main idea of the passage but misses some details.
  • The candidate shows some ability to infer information from the text but may misinterpret some subtleties.
  • The candidate shows partial understanding of the main idea but does not understand significant supporting ideas and details.
  • The candidate generally does not make inferences from the text.
  • The candidate does not extract the main idea from the passage, demonstrating comprehension only of isolated words and phrases.
  • The candidate does not make any inferences implied in the text.
U  start bold The response is unrelated to the assigned topic, illegible, not written in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.  end bold 
B  start bold There is no response to the assignment.  end bold