Study Guide
Field 080: Chinese (Mandarin)
Sample Written Expression Assignment
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
The following materials contain:
- Test directions for the written expression assignment
- A sample written expression assignment and sample strong response
- Performance characteristics and scoring scale
Test Directions for the Written Expression Assignment
[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold These test directions are provided here to familiarize you with the directions you will see on the actual test. They may refer to features whose functionality is not enabled in this study guide.]
This section of the test consists of a written expression assignment. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your response to the assignment.
Your response must be written in the start bold Chinese characters (Traditional or Simplified) end bold . Read the assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize your response. You may use the erasable notebooklet to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. However, your final response must be written on the response sheets provided (two response sheets). Please label your response sheets with the appropriate assignment (e.g., "Written Comprehension"). Your response sheets must be scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation.
start bold Instructions for scanning your response sheets are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen. end bold
A list of suggestions is provided to help direct your response to the assignment. It is not necessary that you cover every point on the list, nor are you limited in your response to those points indicated. You are, however, required to write about the general assignment which you are given, and part of your score for the assignment will be based on the degree to which you elaborate on the assignment by addressing either the suggested points or points of your choosing.
Your response to the written expression assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
start bold PURPOSE: end bold the extent to which the objective of the assignment is achieved and the appropriateness of the response for the intended audience
start bold COHERENCE: end bold organization and clarity of ideas
start bold CONTENT: end bold development of ideas and relevance of supporting details
start bold GRAMMAR: end bold accuracy of grammatical forms and syntax
start bold VOCABULARY: end bold command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
start bold MECHANICS: end bold accuracy of character formation and punctuation
Be sure to write about the assigned topic and use multiple paragraphs. You may not use any reference materials during the test. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Remember to review what you have written and make any changes you think will improve your response.
Any time spent responding to the assignment, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will start uppercase NOT end uppercase be scored.
Sample Written Expression Assignment
subarea roman numeral 6
Written Expression
Imagine that you have received a letter from a friend who lives in China and who has not heard from you for almost a year. The friend asks for news of your recent activities and future plans, including your professional goals. Write a letter in Chinese in which you give a brief account of your activities over the past year, tell your friend of your plans to become a language teacher, and explain why you have chosen to enter this profession. You may wish to include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- your recent educational and work experiences;
- how a particular person or event influenced your decision to become a language teacher;
- your view of the value of foreign language learning to young people in the United States;
- aspects of your chosen career that you expect to find especially enjoyable.
Your response must be written in Chinese characters (Traditional or Simplified).
Sample Strong Response to the Written Expression Assignment
start bold Please note: The sample response provided below is for review purposes only and should not be used in a response on an operational exam. Use of the exact words and phrases presented in this sample response will result in a score of "U" (Unscorable) due to lack of original work. end bold
你好!很高興收到你的來信, 我們已經有差不多一年沒連絡了, 讓我來慢慢地告訴你我這些日子是怎麼過的吧﹗
去年的暑假, 我因為一個偶然的機會, 輔導了兩個打算到中國做短期留學的 美國大學生中文, 短短的兩個半月, 我們每天上三個小時的中文課, 他們從一句 中文都不會說, 到可以跟我做簡單的談話, 比方說, 什麼飯館好, 什麼地方有意思, 興趣是什麼, 許多人都沒想到他們能有這樣的進步,我覺得這是我這麼多年以來 最開心的一件事情。
我不停地試著用各種教學的方法來 有效地幫助他們。每次只要一有方法成功, 就可以讓我高興半天。他們現在 都在北京的大學學習中文, 兩個人都寫信感謝我對他們在中文方面的幫助, 同時也告訴我中文的重要, 而且會說一種跟英文完全不同的語言, 讓他們覺得非常驕傲。
這個經驗讓我決定要留在美國做一個專業的中文老師, 教更多的 美國學生中文。做一個專業的語言老師, 除了要有足夠的經驗以外, 還要有 豐富的專業知識, 所以我回到學校, 在研究所學習一個語言教學的專業, 一方面繼續 教中文, 一方面學習新知識, 打算 畢業後在大學裏做一個專業的中文語言老師, 所以我現在的生活雖然忙碌, 卻很充實, 也很快樂。因為這就是我多年來一直想要的生活。
你好!很高兴收到你的来信, 我们已经有差不多一年没连络了, 让我来慢慢地告诉你我这些日子是怎么过的吧!
去年的暑假, 我因为一个偶然的机会, 辅导了两个打算到中国做短期留学的美国大学生中文, 短短的两个半月, 我们每天上三个小时的中文课, 他们从一句中文都不会说, 到可以跟我做简单的谈话, 比方说, 什么饭馆好, 什么地方有意思, 兴趣是什么, 许多人都没想到他们能有这样的进步, 我觉得这是我这么多年以来最开心的一件事情
在辅导他们的这段时间里, 我不停地试着用各种教学的方法来有效地帮助他们。每次只要一有方法成功, 就可以让我高兴半天。他们现在都在北京的大学学习中文, 两个人都写信感谢我对他们在中文方面的帮助, 同时也告诉我中文的重要, 而且会说一种跟英文完全不同的语言, 让他们觉得非常骄傲。
这个经验让我决定要留在美国做一个专业的中文老师, 教更多的美国学生中文。做一个专业的语言老师, 除了要有足够的经验以外, 还要有丰富的专业知识, 所以我回到学校, 在研究所学习一个语言教学的专业, 一方面继续教中文, 一方面学习新知识, 打算毕业后在大学里做一个专业的中文语言老师, 所以我现在的生活虽然忙碌, 很充实,也很快乐。因为这就是我多年来一直想要的生活。
Performance Characteristics for the Written Expression Assignment
The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the written expression assignment.
Scoring Scale for the Written Expression Assignment
Scores will be assigned to each response to the written expression assignment according to the following scoring scale.