Study Guide
Field 080: Chinese (Mandarin)
Sample Listening Comprehension Assignment
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
The following materials contain:
- Test directions for the listening comprehension assignment
- A sample listening comprehension assignment, strong response characteristics, and sample strong response
- Performance characteristics and scoring scale
Test Directions for the Listening Comprehension Assignment
[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold These test directions are provided here to familiarize you with the directions you will see on the actual test. They may refer to features whose functionality is not enabled in this study guide.]This section of the test consists of a listening comprehension assignment. You will listen to an audio recording. The listening passage will be read twice. After you have heard the passage twice, you will respond in writing to the assignment presented.
Your response may be written in either the target language or English. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. You may use the erasable notebooklet to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. If you choose to respond in English, type your response in the response box presented on-screen. If you choose to respond in the target language, your final response must be written on the response sheet provided. Please label your response sheet with the appropriate assignment (e.g., "Listening Comprehension"). Your response sheet must be scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation.
start bold Instructions for scanning your response sheet are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen. end bold
Your response to the listening comprehension assignment in this section will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria.
start bold LISTENING COMPREHENSION: end bold accuracy and completeness in comprehending spoken language
start bold INFERENCE: end bold demonstrated ability to infer information accurately from spoken language, including subtleties such as underlying meanings
Any time spent responding to the assignment, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will start uppercase NOT end uppercase be scored.
Please be aware that the visual enhancements and are start uppercase NOT end uppercase available during this section of the test. Please start uppercase DO NOT end uppercase use these features until you have completed all listening items and proceeded to the remaining sections of the test.
Select the start bold Next end bold button to continue.
[After completing the listening comprehension assignment, you will see on the screen:]
This is the end of the listening comprehension section of the test. You may now remove your headset.
Select the start bold Next end bold button to continue with the remainder of the test.
Sample Listening Comprehension Assignment
subarea roman numeral 1
Listening Comprehension
[ start bold Notes to examinee: end bold During the test, you will listen to a passage read twice and then respond to the assignment in writing, in either Chinese (Standard Modern Chinese characters—Traditional or Simplified) or English. (For complete test directions to this assignment, see above.) The dialogue shown below represents the recorded text you would hear on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only; on the actual test you will not see printed text accompanying the recordings.]
Female:沒問 題。
Male:您要我打電話到生產部詢問有關寶貝護膚品系列II。 我打了電話﹐知道護膚品的成份了。接下來﹐我是否應該打個電話給客戶﹐讓她了解成份﹐然後決定要不要訂貨。對嗎?
Male:我知道了。我會和唐小姐聯繫﹐了解並確定她的訂單。 之後﹐ 我會和生產部的林總管聯絡﹐確定什麼時候可以把貨送到唐小姐到公司。
Female:太好了。小陳﹐我知道張董事長介紹的人﹐一定是人才。好好的幹﹐ 前途無量!
Female:没问 题。
Male:您要我打电话到生产部询问有关宝贝护肤品系列II。 我打了电话,知道护肤品的成分了。接下来,我是否应该打个电话给客户,让她了解成分,然后决定要不要订货。对吗?
Male:我知道了。我会和唐小姐联系,了解并确定她的订单。 之后, 我会和生产部的林总管联络,确定什么时候可以把货送到唐小姐到公司。
Female:太好了。小陈,我知道张董事长介绍的人,一定是人才。好好的干, 前途无量!
Write a response several sentences in length in which you:
- identify the type of information the man is preparing;
- explain the relationship between the two participants in the conversation; and
- describe the man's attitude about his task.
Strong Response Characteristics for the Listening Comprehension Assignment
An excellent response would demonstrate a thorough and accurate understanding of the content of the passage, including virtually all significant details. The examinee would accurately infer information implied in the passage, even if it is subtly conveyed in the recording. Because this exercise is designed to test your listening skills and not your writing ability, you may write your response in either the target language or English. You should choose the language that is more familiar to you.
Sample Strong Response to the Listening Comprehension Assignment
start italics Please note: The sample response provided below is for review purposes only and should not be used in a response on an operational exam. end italics
The man in this dialogue is getting information together about ingredients used in a line of skincare products his company manufactures. His next step is to relay this information to an important client who is likely to order the products. Before he takes the next step in his task, he asks the woman in this dialogue for confirmation. He addresses the woman in this dialogue as his manager, so they are clearly in a work situation in which the woman is his supervisor. His eagerness to do the task correctly and to confirm the steps involved in the task indicates that he is conscientious and that he cares about his job. He also shows respect to his manager in the way he asks for clarification.
Performance Characteristics for the Listening Comprehension Assignment
The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the listening comprehension assignment.
Scoring Scale for the Listening Comprehension Assignment
Scores will be assigned to each response to the listening comprehension assignment according to the following scoring scale.