Free Interactive Practice Tests with Registration

The Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA) is pleased to announce the rollout of free practice tests with CEOE test registration.

Phased rollout of free practice tests

For select tests, practice tests will start to become available for free in registration on August 31, 2021, and will continue to be rolled out for additional tests through September 2022.

Once a free practice test is available in registration for a test, it will not be retroactive for registrations prior to the date the free practice test became available. Therefore, if you have registered for a test and did not receive a free practice test in registration, but would like to, you will need to withdraw your registration and reregister when the free practice test for your test is available.

Use the table below as a guide to plan your registration and preparation. When the free practice test for your test becomes available, it will automatically appear in your cart with a $0 price during the registration checkout process.

Tests Free practice test availability
108 Earth Science
177 English as a Second Language
120 French
121 German
083 Gifted Education
124 Middle Level English
139 School Counselor
August 31, 2021
113 Physical Science
144 Principal Comprehensive Assessment
015 Reading Specialist
119 Spanish
October 2021
111 Advanced Mathematics
036 Driver/Safety Education
082 Elementary Mathematics Specialist
248 Superintendent
November 2021
009 Family and Consumer Sciences December 2021
127 Middle Level Social Studies January 2022
201 Instrumental/General Music
203 Vocal/General Music
February 2022
042 Agricultural Education
181 Computer Science
178 Dance
150 Elementary Education Subtest 1
151 Elementary Education Subtest 2
137 Journalism
March 2022
132 Psychology/Sociology
033 School Psychologist
131 Severe-Profound/Multiple Disabilities
084 Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
April 2022
205 Early Childhood Education
123 Latin
026 Middle Level Science
122 Russian
May 2022
134 Psychometrist
117 U.S. History/Oklahoma History/Government/Economics
June 2022
128 Blind/Visual Impairment
085 Special Education Comprehensive Assessment
116 Speech/Drama/Debate
July 2022
030 Deaf/Hard of Hearing
041 Marketing Education
August 2022
129 Mild-Moderate Disabilities September 2022
118 World History/Geography October 2022

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