Understanding Your Test Results

For each test or subtest, your performance is evaluated against an established standard. Minimum passing scores for all CEOE tests are established by the OEQA based on recommendations of panels of Oklahoma educators. The scaled minimum passing score for each test is designed to reflect the level of knowledge and skills required for effective performance in Oklahoma schools. Your pass/fail status on a CEOE test is based on your performance on the total test at a single test administration. You cannot combine results on sections of a test across test administrations.

If you are taking OSAT Elementary Education, you must achieve a passing score on each of the two Elementary Education subtests to receive certification.

  • If you do not receive a passing score on both subtests at a single CBT test administration, you may bank a passing score on one subtest until you pass the other subtest.
  • You may take only one subtest in an online proctoring testing session. You may bank a passing score on one subtest until you pass the other subtest.

You will receive a total score for each test taken. Total test scores are reported as scaled scores using a range from 100 to 300, with 240 as the minimum passing scaled score. Your total test score is based on your performance on the entire test, including

  • the number of questions you answer correctly in the selected-response section (all CEOE tests include a selected-response section); and
  • for tests with a constructed-response section, your score(s) on your response(s) to the constructed-response assignment(s). (Information about the scoring of constructed responses, including performance characteristics and the scoring scale, is in the study guide.)

How to Read Your Score Report

Your score report is provided to you with information about how to read your score report as well as information about test section weightings (the proportion of the total test scaled score that each section—selected-response / constructed-response—accounts for). You can also review that information here.

How to Read Your CEOE Score Report PDF

Annotated Score Reports

Select your test to view a sample that represents the type of score report you will receive and that includes explanations about important score-related information.

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