Study Guide

Field 030: Deaf/Hard of Hearing 
Test Design and Framework

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The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Test overview, including duration of test, number of questions, and passing score.
Format Computer-based test ( C B T )
Number of Questions 80 selected-response questions and 1 constructed-response assignment
Time* 4 hours
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute  C B T  tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

test weighting by number of questions per subarea part 1 of 2.
subareas range of competencies approximate percentage of test
roman numeral 1 understanding students who are deaf or hard of hearing 0001–0004 21 percent
roman numeral 2 assessing students and developing individualized education programs (i e p s) 0005–0009 27 percent
roman numeral 3 promoting student development and learning 0010–0015 16 percent
roman numeral 4 professional knowledge 0016–0019 21 percent
this cell intentionally left blank 85 percent
test weighting by number of questions per subarea part 2 of 2.
subareas range of competencies approximate percentage of test
roman numeral 3 promoting student development and learning 0010–0015 15 percent

 Subarea roman numeral 1–Understanding Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing 

Competency 0001–Understand the effects of hearing loss on development and learning.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0002–Understand processes involved in hearing and characteristics of all types and degrees of hearing loss.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0003–Understand language (including oral, written, and sign language) and language development.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0004–Understand speech and speech development.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

 Subarea roman numeral 2–Assessing Students and Developing Individualized Education Programs (I E Ps) 

Competency 0005–Understand assessment procedures for evaluating individual differences and making placement and programming decisions for students with disabilities.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0006–Interpret assessment results in the areas of auditory functioning and speech production.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0007–Apply procedures for assessing the receptive and expressive language of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0008–Apply procedures for assessing the intellectual performance and academic achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0009–Apply procedures for developing and implementing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

 Subarea roman numeral 3–Promoting Student Development and Learning 

Competency 0010–Understand how to establish a positive and productive learning environment for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0011–Understand amplification methods and strategies for promoting auditory skill development in students who are hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0012–Understand how to promote language development in students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0013–Understand how to meet the overall communication needs of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0014–Understand how to promote the academic achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0015–Understand how to promote independent living competence and self-advocacy in students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

 Subarea roman numeral 4–Professional Knowledge 

Competency 0016–Understand how to establish partnerships with other members of the school community to enhance learning opportunities for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0017–Understand how to promote strong school-home relationships.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0018–Understand how to encourage school-community interactions that enhance learning opportunities for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0019–Understand the history and philosophy of special education, key issues and trends, roles and responsibilities, and legal and ethical issues relevant to special education in Oklahoma.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics