Study Guide

Field 123: Latin 
Sample Interpretive Listening Questions

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The following materials contain:

Test Directions for the Interpretive Listening Questions

[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold  These test directions are provided here to familiarize you with the directions you will see on the actual test. They may refer to features whose functionality is not enabled in this study guide]

This section of the test contains selected-response questions that involve listening to an audio recording. Listen carefully to the recording. Each excerpt will be followed by one or more selected-response questions. Each selected-response question has four answer choices. After listening to an excerpt, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the  start uppercase ONE end uppercase  best answer. Excerpts will vary in length. Unless otherwise indicated, each listening passage will be read twice.

The first recorded excerpt will begin playing automatically once you advance to the next screen. There will be a period of silence at the beginning of each recording. During this silence, you should familiarize yourself with the test question(s) presented on the screen.

Once the audio begins, you will not be able to pause, stop, or replay it. Therefore, listen carefully, then answer the question(s) on the screen. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will  start uppercase NOT end uppercase  be penalized for guessing.

 start bold You will not be able to go back and review your answers to questions in this section of the test. end bold  Once you move to the next question, you will not be able to go back to previous questions in this section. Therefore, be sure to select your answer carefully before you move to the next question. The next recorded excerpt will not begin playing until you advance to the next question.

Please be aware that the visual enhancements normal color scheme button and small font button are  start uppercase NOT end uppercase  available during this section of the test. Please  start uppercase DO NOT end uppercase  use these features until you have completed all listening items and proceeded to the remaining sections of the test.

Click the  start bold Next end bold  button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the listening selected-response section of the test. Be sure you have your headset on before proceeding.

Select the  start bold Next end bold  button to continue.

[After completing the listening comprehension assignment, you will see on the screen:]

This is the end of the listening comprehension section of the test. You may now remove your headset.

Select the  start bold Next end bold  button to continue with the remainder of the test.

Sample Interpretive Listening Questions

[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold  The passage shown below represents the recorded text you would hear on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only; on the actual test you will not see printed text accompanying the recordings]

(You will hear and read:)

 start bold Listen to the passage from Ovid's Heroides in which Dido complains to Aeneas about his plans to leave her; then answer the questions. You will hear the passage three times. end bold 

(You will hear:)

Certus es īre tamen miseramque relinquere Dīdōn

atque īdem ventī vēla fidemque ferent.

Certus es, Aenēā, cum foedere solvere nāvēs

quaeque ubi sint nescīs, Ītala rēgna sequī.

Facta fugis, facienda petis; quaerenda per orbem

altera, quaesīta est altera terra tibi.

(You will hear and read:)

 start bold Now you will hear the passage again. end bold 

[Passage is repeated]

(You will hear and read:)

 start bold Now you will hear the passage a final time. end bold 

[Passage is repeated]

(You will hear and read:)

 start bold Now answer the questions. end bold 

Competency 0002 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of formal and informal spoken messages likely to be encountered in culturally authentic situations (e.g., announcements, dialogues, speeches, poetry).

1. In the opening line of the passage, Dido is described as being:

  1. sure.
  2. angry.
  3. wretched.
  4. lost.

correct response: c. in the opening line of the passage, dido is described as "miseram," wretched.

Competency 0001 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of formal and informal spoken messages likely to be encountered in culturally authentic situations (e.g., announcements, dialogues, speeches, poetry).

2. In the passage, which of the following complaints does Dido make about Aeneas's plan to go to Italy?

  1. He does not know where Italy is.
  2. Italy is already ruled by others.
  3. His plan violates her treaty with the Italians.
  4. His ships are not seaworthy.

correct response: a. dido complains to aeneas, "certus es … quaeque ubi sint nescīs, ītala rēgna sequī" ("you are determined to head for italian realms, and you do not know where they are").

Competency 0002 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of formal and informal spoken messages likely to be encountered in culturally authentic situations (e.g., announcements, dialogues, speeches, poetry).

3. Toward the end of the passage, which of the following distinctions does Dido point out in reference to Aeneas's behavior?

  1. the difference between things done and things to be done
  2. the difference between the past and the present
  3. the difference between truth and lies
  4. the difference between escaping and being caught

correct response: a. dido says, "facta fugis, facienda petis" ("you flee things done, you seek things to be done"), as well as "quaerenda … altera, quaesīta est altera terra" ("one land is to be sought, another has been sought").