Study Guide

Field 122: Russian 
Sample Presentational Writing Assignment

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The following materials contain:

Test Directions for the Presentational Writing Assignment

[ start bold Note to examinee: end bold  These test directions are provided here to familiarize you with the directions you will see on the actual test. They may refer to features whose functionality is not enabled in this study guide.]

This section of the test consists of a written assignment. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your response to the assignment.

Read the assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize your response. You may use the erasable notebooklet provided to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. However, your final response must be typed in the response box provided for the assignment.

For this assignment, you will type your responses in the target language using Input Method Editor (IME) technology. You may access specific instructions for IME use by selecting the IME Help button above the response box. Note that because the default input language is set as English, you will need to select the target language before you begin typing by clicking on the down arrow in the language selection box at the top left corner of the screen.

You will be provided with a list of topics to help direct your response to the assignment. You must address every topic on the list, but you are not limited in your response to only the points indicated. However, your response must be relevant to the assignment, and part of your score will be based on the degree to which you elaborate by addressing the required topics and any other points of your choosing.

Your response to the presentational writing assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

 start bold PURPOSE: end bold  the extent to which the objective of the assignment is achieved and the appropriateness of the response for the intended audience

 start bold COHERENCE: end bold  organization and clarity of ideas

 start bold CONTENT: end bold  development of ideas and relevance of supporting details

 start bold GRAMMAR: end bold  accuracy of grammatical forms and syntax

 start bold VOCABULARY: end bold  command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions

 start bold MECHANICS: end bold  accuracy of spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation

Your response must be written in the target language.

Be sure to write about the assigned topic and use multiple paragraphs. You may not use any reference materials during the test. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Remember to review what you have written and make any changes you think will improve your response.

Select the  start bold Next end bold  button to continue.

Sample Presentational Writing Assignment

subarea roman numeral 4 
Presentational Writing

Imagine that you have received an e-mail from a friend who lives in a country where Russian is commonly spoken and who has not heard from you for almost a year. The friend asks for news of your recent activities and future plans, including your professional goals. Write an e-mail of approximately  300 to 400  words in Russian in which you give a brief account of your activities over the last year, tell your friend of your plans to become a language teacher, and explain why you have chosen to enter this profession. In your e-mail, you  start bold must end bold  include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Sample Strong Response to the Presentational Writing Assignment

 start bold Please note: The sample response provided below is for review purposes only and should not be used in a response on an operational exam. Use of the exact words and phrases presented in this sample response will result in a score of "U" (Unscorable) due to lack of original work. end bold 

Здравствуй, моя дорогая Наташа!

Спасибо за письмо! Извини, что долго не писала. Я так рада, что у тебя всё в порядке и что ты довольна своей жизнью в Санкт-Петербурге. Я очень скучаю по тебе и по нашему университету. После выпускного я вернулась в Иллинойс и нашла работу в книжном магазине. Работа хорошая и коллектив очень дружный, но это временная работа.

Здесь я познакомилась с бывшим преподавателем по психологии. Мы много с ней беседовали о важности знаний нескольких языков, о том, как они могут пригодиться в жизни. Она рассказывала о пользе изучения иностранных языков, особенно в раннем возрасте. Один из важных плюсов изучения иностранных языков это тренировка памяти. После наших разговоров я понимала, что хочу стать преподавателем русского языка.

Для этого я поступила в аспирантуру, хотя это, конечно, трудно. Я совмещаю работу и учёбу и кручусь как белка в колесе, но по-другому невозможно достичь поставленной цели. Иногда у меня совсем нет сил, но я знаю, что это всё не зря.

Недавно, у нас была практика в средней школе. Я работала в команде с опытным учителем русского языка. Мне очень повезло с ним. Он очень умный и интересный. Он параллельно преподаёт в колледже и университете. Ученики мне тоже понравились. Я чувствовала себя с ними как рыба в воде. Мне кажется работа в школе – это моё призвание! Я очень рада, когда я вижу, что мои знания приносят пользу. Эта стажировка мне очень помогла и я многому научилась.

После окончания программы я начну искать работу в школе. Я, конечно, очень нервничаю, но, я думаю, что всё получится. Я не знаю, если я смогу приехать к тебе в Санкт-Петербург когда-нибудь в будущем, но, конечно, будет здорово увидеться снова!

С нетерпением жду твоего следующего письма.
Скучаю по тебе,
Твоя подруга Оливия.

Rationale for the Sample Strong Response

The response thoroughly fulfills the purpose of the assignment and is appropriate for the intended audience. The response is an informal e-mail to a friend that fully addresses the prompt by providing information about recent educational and work experiences, details about an influential person, a point of view on the value of language learning to young people in the United States, and career aspects that are expected to be especially enjoyable.

The response is well organized in paragraphs with an appropriate greeting, a good introduction, and an appropriate closing for this level of formality. The ideas are clearly expressed with the help of appropriate transition words and expressions ("Один из важных," "После наших разговоров," "Для этого я поступила в аспирантуру, хотя это, конечно, трудно"). The ideas are extensively developed and supported with relevant information ("Мы много с ней беседовали о важности знаний нескольких языков, о том, как они могут пригодиться в жизни… После наших разговоров я поняла, что хочу стать преподавателем русского языка").

The response shows a comprehensive command of syntax ("беседовали … о том, как они могут пригодиться в жизни,") and grammar, particularly in the use of verbal aspect ("Эта стажировка мне очень помогла и я многому научилась").

The response reflects a broad command of vocabulary ("тренировка памяти," "беседовали о важности знаний," "призвание"), appropriate use of idiomatic expressions ("как белка в колесе," "как рыба в воде"), and appropriate use of mechanics (spelling and punctuation). The rare minor errors do not interrupt communication. Such errors include an anglicism ("Я не знаю, если я смогу приехать"), a wrong verb aspect ("понимала" instead of "поняла"), and a сomma used incorrectly ("Недавно, у нас была практика в средней школе" instead of "Недавно у нас была практика в средней школе").

Sample Weak Response to the Presentational Writing Assignment

Привет Алекс.

Давно мы с тобой не общались. А мне много нужно тебе рассказать. Паследний год я учился в школе, чтоб училась русский. Я хочу стать русский учитель потому что мой русский учитель. Русский интересный. Мне нравится эта культура. Я живу сейчас в друзьях, чтобы исползоват денги для образование. Школа для меня сейчас важная потамучто я хочу быть русский учитель. Преподавать весело и интересно. Я очень сильно устаю, но мне нравиться вся эта потамучто я знаю што это стоит тово. Я всегда хотел найти то што мне нравиться и я нашла. Мне так нравиться учить русский. Я планирываю закончить школа в три года чтоб я могла быстро искать работа. Мне буду искать работа в школа в нашем районе. Я решил покупат тут дом. Мне очень жаль што я немогла обшатся с табой. Я был занят с работай и школай.

Надеюсь ты можеш скоро лететь и гостить у миня.
Пока, с уважением Уилл.

Rationale for the Sample Weak Response

The response partially fulfills the purpose of the assignment. The response is an informal e-mail to a friend that provides information on recent educational and work experiences but does not address the other elements of the assignment. There is a vague and unclear allusion to a Russian teacher (who presumably was a good influence but no details are provided) as the reason for becoming a Russian teacher ("Я хочу стать русский учитель потому что мой русский учитель"). There is nothing mentioned about the value of foreign language learning to young people or potential enjoyable aspect of the new career except that teaching is fun and interesting ("Преподавать весело и интересно").

The response lacks organization. It has one main paragraph, and ideas are somewhat unclear and developed in a limited way. There is minimal support for ideas ("Мне буду искать работа в школа в нашем районе. Я решил покупат тут дом"). The response uses simple linguistic structures, but some verbs in the present are conjugated correctly ("Мне нравится," “Я хочу," "Я живу"). Attempts at using complex syntax are unsuccessful ("Я планирываю закончить школа в три года чтоб я могла быстро искать работа"). Overall, the response shows a limited command of syntax and grammar, and contains frequent errors and anglicisms ("паследний," "немогла обшатся," "потому что мой русский учитель") that partially impede communication of ideas.

The vocabulary used in the response is simple ("учитель," "работа," "дом"). There is a lack or misuse of pronouns, prepositions, and other cohesive devices. There is accuracy in the spelling of many simple words ("очень, " "школа," "русский," "нужно"), but other words are spelled incorrectly ("миня," "потамучто," "исползоват"). Since the response is written mostly in short sentences, the use of punctuation is minimal (a period after each short sentence).

Performance Characteristics for the Presentational Writing Assignment

The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the presentational writing assignment.

Characteristics that guide the scoring of responses
PURPOSE the extent to which the objective of the assignment is achieved and the appropriateness of the response for the intended audience
COHERENCE organization and clarity of ideas
CONTENT development of ideas and relevance of supporting details
GRAMMAR accuracy of grammatical forms and syntax
VOCABULARY command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
MECHANICS accuracy of spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation

Scoring Scale for the Presentational Writing Assignment

Scores will be assigned to each response to the presentational writing assignment according to the following scoring scale.

Score Scale with description for each score point.
Score Point Score Point Description
4  start bold The "4" response reflects a thorough application and strong command of the performance characteristics for the written assignment.  end bold 
  • The response thoroughly fulfills the purpose of the written assignment and is completely appropriate for the intended audience.
  • The candidate's ideas are well organized and clearly expressed.
  • Ideas are extensively developed and well supported with relevant information.
  • The response shows a comprehensive command of syntax and grammar, containing only minor errors that do not interrupt communication.
  • Vocabulary reflects a broad command of the language and appropriate use of idiomatic expressions.
  • Spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation are mastered, with few, if any, errors.
3  start bold The "3" response reflects a general application and command of the performance characteristics for the written assignment.  end bold 
  • The response satisfactorily fulfills the purpose of the written assignment and is generally appropriate for the intended audience.
  • The candidate's ideas show some organization and are generally clear.
  • Ideas are adequately developed with some elaboration and support of specific points.
  • The response shows a good command of syntax and grammar, though some errors may cause minor interruptions in communication.
  • Vocabulary and idiomatic expressions are general, but do communicate a complete message.
  • There are minor errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation that do not interfere with communication.
2  start bold The "2" response reflects a partial application and limited command of the performance characteristics for the written assignment.  end bold 
  • The response partially fulfills the purpose of the written assignment and may not be entirely appropriate for the intended audience.
  • The candidate's ideas show limited organization and are somewhat unclear.
  • Ideas are developed in a limited way with minimal support.
  • The response shows a limited command of syntax and grammar, containing frequent errors that partially impede communication of ideas.
  • Vocabulary is simple, lacks key words and expressions, and communicates a partial message.
  • There are some errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation, which partially interfere with communication.
1  start bold The "1" response reflects a weak application and little or no command of the performance characteristics for the written assignment.  end bold 
  • The response does not fulfill the purpose of the written assignment and is inappropriate for the intended audience.
  • The candidate's ideas are unorganized and unclear.
  • Ideas are developed minimally, if at all, and lack any relevant supporting detail.
  • The response shows little command of basic elements of grammar or syntax, containing numerous and frequent errors that impede communication.
  • Vocabulary, with numerous word usage errors, does not communicate a complete message.
  • Errors in spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation are so numerous that they impede communication.
U  start bold The response is unrelated to the assigned topic, illegible, not written in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment. end bold 
B  start bold There is no response to the assignment. end bold